Viral Immunity Tea

Viral Immunity Tea


Intended to support the health of your nervous, lymphatic, and immune system.

When properly nourished, these essential systems help our bodies to operate with strength and ease. Through the use of our herbal allies, you can mindfully encourage and support the vitality of your body at a physiological and energetic level. 

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Disclaimer: Research cited, related to SARS-Coronavirus, has been conducted on prior virus, which shares a 79.5% genome sequence to current COVID19. 

Disclaimer 2: This does not serve as medical advice, I recommend consulting with your Naturopathic or Primary Doctor.


  1. Infants, pregnant women, breastfeeding women 

  2. Pau D Arco: Medications to be cautious with include warfarin, Clopidogrel, Aspirin 

  3. Melissa Officinalis: Sedative medications 

  4. Orange peel: celiprolol, Ivermectin, pravastatin 

  5. Licorice: In large doses, contraindicated for those with low serum potassium, hypertension, coronary artery disease, abnormal heart rhythm, heart failure, chronic liver diseases, reduced kidney function. Medications to be cautious with include ACE-inhibitors, blood thinners, corticosteroids, insulin, and oral contraceptives.



  1. Anesini C, Perez C. Screening of plants used in Argentine folk medicine for antimicrobial activity. J Ethnopharmacol. 1993;39:119-128

  2. Cinatl J, Morgenstern B, Bauer G, Chandra P, Rabenau H, Doerr HW. Glycyrrhizin, an active component of liquorice roots, and replication of SARS-associated coronavirus. The Lancet. 2003;361:2045-6

  3. Gayle Engels, Josef Brinckmann. HerbalGram. 2017; American Botanical Council

  4. Jo S, Kim S, Shin DH, Kim M-S. Inhibition of SARS-CoV 3CL protease by flavonoids. J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem. 2020;35:145-51

  5. Ridley V. Pau d'Arco (Tabebuia spp.) British Journal of Phytotherapy. Vol 5, No 3:118-123.

  6. Wu A, Peng Y, Huang B, Ding X, Wang X, Niu P. et al. Genome Composition and Divergence of the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Originating in China. Cell Host Microbe. 2020

  7. Yang, Yang, et al. "Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Patients Infected with 2019-New Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2): A Review and Perspective." Int J Biol Sci 16.10 (2020): 1708-1717.

  8. Yu MS, Lee J, Lee JM, Kim Y, Chin YW, Jee JG. et al. Identification of myricetin and scutellarein as novel chemical inhibitors of the SARS coronavirus helicase, nsP13. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2012;22:4049-54